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Položiek 1 do 10 z celkového počtu 136

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  1. ...k české národní povaze

    Audiokniha ...k české národní povaze, kterou napsal Zdeněk Mahler. Hodinové zamyšlení známého spisovatele a publicisty Zdeňka Mahlera o tom, jaké jsou rysy naší národní povahy a jaké nejsou. Promyšlené a přesvědčivé úvahy o tom, proč se domnívá, že povaha naše a celého národa je právě taková, jaká je.
    5,46 €
  2. 100 Quotes About Philosophy (EN)

    Audiobook 100 Quotes About Philosophy written by J. M. Gardner. Voltaire was a French writer famous for his wit and irony. They were his tools for launching vitriolic attacks on the established Catholic church, the adversaries of freedom of religion and expression, and on separation of church and state. His prolific writing took almost every possible literary form: plays, novels, essays, but also poems, historical and scientific works.
    5,99 €
  3. 100 Quotes by Anatole France (EN)

    Audiobook 100 Quotes by Anatole France. French novelist, journalist and poet, Anatole France (1844-1924), was elected to the Académie Française and won the 1921 Nobel Prize for Literature. Best known for the novels ‘Le Crime de Sylvestre Bonnard’ (1881) and ‘La Rôtisserie de la Reine Pédauque’ (1893), he was a prolific writer responsible for many famous sayings, including "If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing," and "Nine tenths of education is encouragement.
    5,99 €
  4. 100 Quotes by Aristotle: Great Philosophers & their Inspiring Thoughts (EN)

    Audiobook 100 Quotes by Aristotle: Great Philosophers & their Inspiring Thoughts. Sigmund Freud is the father of psychoanalysis, a clinical method of treatment through dialogue. Modern thought owes him his theoretical description of the structure and functioning of the unconscious, through the discovery of the essential role of transference in the analytic process, the redefinition of sexuality including its infantile forms, the analysis of dreams, symptom formation and the mechanisms of repression.
    5,99 €
  5. 100 Quotes by Baruch Spinoza (EN)

    Baruch Spinoza has been called the Prince of Philosophers; Hegel said of him that the alternative was: either Spinoza, or no philosophy at all. By laying the groundwork for the 18th-century Enlightenment and modern biblical criticism, including modern conceptions of the self and the universe, he came to be considered one of the great rationalists of 17th-century philosophy: he had the courage to criticize the traditionalism of religion, to offer a conception of God that would be logic instead of rigidly defined by a shallow dogma.
    5,99 €
  6. 100 Quotes by Confucius: Great Philosophers & Their Inspiring Thoughts (EN)

    The philosophy of Confucius was so powerful that it dominated intellectual life in ancient China for centuries. It even came to be considered a religion, and there are still temples where Confucius is worshipped as the God of Culture. His writings were transmitted as aphorisms, each one of them one concentrated teaching about philosophy, ethics, or society.
    5,99 €
  7. 100 Quotes by Epictetus: Great Philosophers & Their Inspiring Thoughts (EN)

    Epictetus was born a slave, and became one of the most influential Stoic philosophers. Stoicism is the attitude allowing one to free oneself from the unnecessary suffering that arises from anxiety about events that are beyond our control; therefore, it can be of tremendous importance in one's life. According to Epictetus, our own actions and attitudes are the only thing in our control; whatever else happens, we should examine calmly and dispassionately, because no amount of suffering will change the impact of external events.
    5,99 €
  8. 100 Quotes by Francis Bacon: Great Philosophers & Their Inspiring Thoughts (EN)

    Sir Francis Bacon had a tremendous impact on science and philosophy during the scientific revolution in XVIIth-century England. He was the first to argue for a skeptical and methodical approach in science, based on careful observation of events in nature, and founded on induction. His work, firmly grounded in empiricism to prevent projection of one's preferred hypothesis, made him the father of scientific method.
    5,99 €
  9. 100 Quotes by Gautama Buddha: Great Philosophers & Their Inspiring Thoughts (EN)

    Gautama Buddha is also known as Siddharta Gautama, or simply the Buddha, which means "Awakened" or "Enlightened". Born a prince, he chose a path of ascetism only to realize that it was as profound an illusion as self-indulgence. He achieved Enlightenment after 49 days of meditation; his awakening led him to discover the cause of suffering and the ways to eliminate it.
    5,99 €
  10. 100 Quotes by Gustave Flaubert (EN)

    Gustave Flaubert is one of the major figures of French literature. He was made famous by his first novel, Madame Bovary, and is also remembered for his Correspondance, full of precise introspection and reflections about realism in literature. Flaubert was known for his unvelievably scrupulous devotion to his style.
    5,99 €
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