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Náboženstvo a spiritualita

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Položiek 1 do 10 z celkového počtu 379

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  1. 10 Simple Meditation Exercises (EN)

    The health benefits of meditation have been scientifically proven time and again. This series of ten simple meditation exercices will provide you with a range of techniques, all quick and proven to be efficient, that will be of tremendous help in your daily meditation practice. Each script will guide you and provide simple tools you will be able to use anytime you need as you practice meditation; if you are a beginner, these techniques will help you learn much faster as you gather the essential tools to relax and focus your mind.
    5,99 €
  2. 100 Quotes About Faith (EN)

    We have selected for you 100 great quotes about faith. Faith is a strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof. Faith can inspire great men and women in their actions, in their thoughts, in their lives. The Bible contains a clear definition of faith in Hebrews 11:1: 哲ow faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
    5,99 €
  3. 100 Quotes About Hatha Yoga (EN)

    Hatha yoga is the branch of yoga using asanas, that is to say with an emphasis on the physical exercises aiming to bring the practitioner closer to spiritual health, mastery and enlightenment. These 100 quotes by masters and practitioners alike will help you find the right balance and inspire your physical practice with the spirituality that has always been its true goal.
    5,99 €
  4. 100 Quotes About Wisdom (EN)

    We have selected for you 100 great quotes about wisdom. We all know what wisdom is : the ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and insight. Wisdom has been regarded as one of four cardinal virtues; and as a virtue, it is a habit or disposition to perform the action with the highest degree of adequacy under any given circumstance.
    5,99 €
  5. 1001 myšlenek: část Náboženství

    V páté části audioknihy 1001 myšlenek naleznete myšlenky a pojmy z oblasti náboženství, nad kterými stojí za to uvažovat. Obsahuje 131 myšlenek z oblasti náboženství, kterými se lidé po staletí důkladně zabývali a které zformulovali do jasných vět a definic.
    7,28 €
  6. 15 minút s Ježišom

    Audiokniha 15 minút s Ježišom, autorom je Anton Mária Claret. Aké je to krásne, keď môžeme byť s Ježišom! Keď mu môžeme otvoriť svoje srdce a vyjaviť hlboké túžby a ideály, ktoré sú v ňom ukryté. Keď sa v zrkadle, ktoré nám nastavuje jeho osoba, môžeme pozrieť na seba samých, aby sme pokorne postavili svoje svedomie do jeho svetla. Keď sa mu môžeme zdôveriť so svojimi trápeniami a pokusmi prekonať vlastné hranice, keď môžeme zveriť do jeho dobroty našich drahých, priateľov, jednoducho celý svet! Keď mu môžeme darovať svoj život, pretože len Pán ho môže naplniť šťastím a priviesť k plnému rozkvetu.
    2,50 €
  7. 1st and 2nd Book of Maccabees (EN)

    The setting of 1st and 2nd Maccabees is about a century and a half after the conquest of Judea by the Greeks under Alexander the Great. It tells how the Greek ruler Antiochus IV Epiphanes attempted to suppress the Jewish religion, resulting in the Maccabean Revolt from 175 to 134 BCE. Originally included in the King James Bible, 1st and 2nd Maccabees is a thrilling historical account of the guerrilla warfare in which, with God's help, the Maccabean brothers, Judas, Jonathan and Simon were empowered to win extraordinary victories against vastly superior armies and restore an independent Jewish kingdom and religion.
    10,99 €
  8. 3x HLASY: Martínek, Král, Zajíček

    V této audioknize z edice autorského čtení HLASY čtou Lubomír Martínek, Oldřich Král a Pavel Zajíček.
    13,51 €
  9. 40 dní duchovného boja

    Je čas rozhodnúť sa, či chceš splynúť s davom a nechať sa unášať ľahkým prúdom pôžitkov tohto sveta, alebo vystúpiš z davu odhodlaný žiť v pravde Božích prikázaní a prisľúbených milostí. Keď sa rozhodneš pre Boha, počítaj s tým, že ťa čaká ťažký boj – boj s mocnosťami zla, ktoré využijú všetky prostriedky aj inteligenciu na to, aby ťa odradili od tvojho rozhodnutia patriť Bohu.
    8,90 €
  10. 8 Principles of Spiritual Living (EN)

    What we think comes true. Anthony Strano’s wealth of experimentation and experience from over twenty years of practising spirituality in life comes through powerfully in these illuminating short talks as he shares different principles which when applied and practised can help lead us towards a life of inner stability and joy.
    5,99 €
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Položiek 1 do 10 z celkového počtu 379

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