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Himalaya teacher of life

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Travelling as a school of life linked by the experience of a traveller Tereza Namituche, seen from different points of view. The book was translated into an English version for great success at readers. You can buy here also Czech version Himálaj učitelka života. Enjoy it.

Jazyk: English
Vydavateľ: Tereza Namituche
Autor: Tereza Namituche
Rozprávač: Rahel a spol
Kategória: Filozofia
Typ: Audiobook
Dĺžka: 4:43 h
9,12 €


Travelling as a school of life linked by the experience of a traveller Tereza Namituche, seen from different points of view.The book was translated into an English version for great success at readers. You can buy here also Czech version Himálaj učitelka života. Enjoy itAm I really here? Or is it just a dream? When sitting in a place where over sixty thousand people are meditating together for compassion among all existing beings, you realize the essence of our lives. How many things have we been fundamentally wrong about? Suddenly, among the alien highlanders, you feel as their true parts. Not as a tourist. Not as a source of money, as it often tends to be. After the meditation, everyone tries harder to be more compassionate, considerate, friendly to each other, and suddenly you see the image even more clearly. Eureka! Indeed, society can work on the principles of mutual politeness and help.People only need to work hard to be better persons, to get rid of the mocking belief that this is just a utopia. Why haven´t we discussed such a philosophy at school? Suddenly the dogmas about prejudice against one another are gone, those that the grass is greener at the neighbour’s side, which they senselessly pounded into our heads and laughed about it. They make no sense anymore. The feeling of peace is deep inside you because you know the truth. There is a real place in the world where your inner dreams, often described as naive or unrealistic, are possible in one part of our planet. And you know that if you remain a well-behaved and true person, you will always be welcome there.
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