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Položiek 41 do 50 z celkového počtu 77

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  1. Smash All the Windows (EN)

    Audiobook Smash All the Windows written by Jane Davis. It has taken conviction to right the wrongs. It will take courage to learn how to live again. A coroner has ruled that the victims of the St Botolph and Old Billingsgate disaster are not to blame for their own deaths. For their families, the undoing of a miscarriage of justice should be a cause for rejoicing.
    16,99 €
  2. Směšné lásky Jitky Asterové

    Oblíbená dvojice z rozhlasového pořadu Sexy život - "Asterka" a "Béďa" alias Jitka Asterová a Václav Glazar baví diváky při společném představení. Veselé historky známé herečky nejen o lásce a sexu, ale i z filmových a divadelních kruhů, glosuje a doplňuje nepřehlédnutelný herec a kabaretiér Václav Glazar, známý především rolí Matky představené z filmové série Kameňák
    3,63 €
  3. Somebody Loves You (EN)

    A teacher asked me a question, and I opened my mouth as a sort of formality but closed it softly, knowing with perfect certainty that nothing would ever come out again. Ruby gives up talking at a young age. Her mother isn’t always there to notice; she comes and goes and goes and comes, until, one day, she doesn’t.
    10,99 €
  4. Sunshine and Second Chances (EN)

    A holiday with old friends makes for plenty of fun in the sun! Debs chokes on the dust as she looks forlornly at her ancient vacuum-packed summer clothes. It seems doubly cruel that losing a husband has meant gaining two dress sizes, but ever since Dishonest Dave ran off with Perfect Penny from three doors down, Debs feels like she’s been hiding away from life.
    13,99 €
  5. Švestka

    Audiokniha Švestka, kterou napsali Ladislav Smoljak, Zdeněk Svěrák a především Jára Cimrman. Divadelní hra Švestka, která nese podtitul "jevištní sklerotikon" je v pořadí 13. divadelní hrou Divadla Jára Cimrmana. Tak jako předešlé, i tato se skládá ze dvou částí - semináře a samotné hry.
    5,09 €
  6. Symfonie s úderem kotlů (ze sbírky Muzikální Sherlock)

    Dramatizace povídky ze sbírky Muzikální Sherlock, ve které houslista Sherlock Holmes s orchestrem studuje Haydnovu symfonii S úderem kotlů. V roli Sherlocka Holmese Josef Kemr.
    3,63 €
  7. Synové štěstěny

    Zoufalá ošetřovatelka, jíž zemřel ve spánku kojenec, synek milionáře, od sebe hned po porodu oddělí novorozená dvojčata, a tak chlapci vyrůstají, aniž o sobě vědí. Nat Cartwright žije u středostavovských pokrevních rodičů a odchází bojovat do Vietnamu, kde se stane válečným hrdinou. Po návratu do vlasti usiluje o volenou pozici v řadách republikánské strany.
    14,99 €
  8. Tales of the Suburbs (EN)

    Audiobook Tales of the Suburb, written by Justin David. Growing up in the Black Country under Mrs Thatcher's iron grip, Jamie dreams of a life in a magical metropolis, rubbing shoulders with the mythical creatures from Smash Hits. Despite the quirky characters in his hometown and his mother's witty one-liners, Jamie's heart is set on something greater. Follow him through secondary school, teenage turmoil, and art school, where he falls in love with Billy and the allure of the big city.
    10,99 €
  9. The Bluebell Bunting Society (EN)

    Welcome to Bluebell Hall. Pull up a wonky chair, grab a cream bun and settle into a story about a little village, a determined caretaker – and plenty of bunting. At twenty-nine, Connie isn’t quite where she thought she’d be. When her beloved gran dies, Connie returns to Hazelhurst, the village she grew up in, and takes over her gran’s old job as caretaker at the village hall.
    13,99 €
  10. The Child Between Us (EN)

    Audiobook The Child Between Us, written by Alison Ragsdale. When I first met you, darling Marina, you were just five years old. You took my breath away, with your long, dark waves and pink cheeks. You needed me, and I instantly knew I’d do anything to protect you. When six years ago, my heart was shattered, I was left utterly broken – but I didn’t know just how lost I was until you filled that hole in my heart.
    13,99 €
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