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Humor, komédia a satira

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Položiek 31 do 40 z celkového počtu 552

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  1. Aristokratka u královského dvora

    Někdy je „super“ změnit vzduch, ale pozor na to, s kým ho cestou dýcháte!
    10,22 €
  2. Aristokratka ve varu

    Provozovat hrad není žádná legrace. Ale je to zatraceně vtipné! Střelené osazenstvo „nejchudšího zámku v Čechách“ se vrací s nášupem bláznivých situací, gagů a nápadů, jak z Kostky učinit sídlo hodné šlechticů. Otec je skrblík, americká maminka se chce podobat princezně Dianě, kastelán Josef nenávidí lidi a hospodyně celý den nasává ořechovku přímo z lahve… A možná uslyšíte i knížete Karla Schwarzenberga! Audio verzi pokračování nejúspěšnější humoristické knihy roku 2012 oceněné Cenou Miloslava Švandrlíka vypráví opět Veronika Kubařová.
    8,02 €
  3. Ať žije Mánička!

    Když bylo Spejblovi a Hurvínkovi samotným smutno, objevila se obvykle vzorná, občas hubatá a vždycky dobrá kamarádka Mánička! Ač u žen a dívek se to galantně nemá prozrazovat, tady snad můžeme: právě slaví 88. narozeniny.
    5,09 €
  4. B. J. Harrison Reads A Marine Excursion (EN)

    "The Marine Excursion of the Knights of Pythias" is the third story from Stephen Leacock’s masterpiece story sequence "Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town". It deals with an exploration of the social, political, and religious aspects of life in Mariposa, while some of its citizens are on a cruise holiday excursion.
    5,99 €
  5. B. J. Harrison Reads Bill the Bloodhound (EN)

    Henry Pitfield Rice is an unglorified detective leading an uneventful life, making ends meet by keeping up with the comings and goings of certain people. One day, he comes across the chorus girl Alice Weston and falls head over heels for her. The problem is, she wants nothing to do with someone who is not in the same line of business as she is.
    5,99 €
  6. B. J. Harrison Reads Head and Shoulders (EN)

    "Am I a laboratory experiment on which the janitors as well as the chemists can make experiments? Is my intellectual development humorous in any way?" Once a child prodigy, Horace is living up to the expectations as a young intellectual at university. But when Marcia, an actress, turns up at his door one night and shows him a different world, the course of both their lives are changed forever.
    5,99 €
  7. B. J. Harrison Reads Jeeves and the Chump Cyril (EN)

    The social adventures of the English gentleman Bertie Wooster and his valet Jeeves return in a story brought to life by B. J. Harrison. An acquaintance of Bertie’s Aunt Agatha, Cyril Bassington-Bassington, is in town, although his reasons for arriving are not entirely clear. Once Bertie introduces Cyril to his playwright friend, things take a turn that greatly displeases Bertie’s aunt.
    5,99 €
  8. B. J. Harrison Reads Jeeves and the Hard Boiled Egg (EN)

    When the wealthy English gentleman Bertie Wooster meets with his friend Francis "Bicky" Bickersteth, he hears that his friend is in a bit of a pickle. As usual, Bertie turns to his ever-trustworthy valet Jeeves for advice. In a game of pretend, the three try to solve Bicky’s problem but only end up complicating matters further.
    5,99 €
  9. B. J. Harrison Reads Jeeves and the Unwanted Guest (EN)

    A friend of Bertie Wooster’s Aunt Agatha makes an unannounced visit and wishes to drop off her son at Bertie’s for a couple of weeks. Bertie is not too thrilled about this visit, especially as the boy turns out to be on the wilder side. The valet Jeeves, as always, does everything he can to help but has much to say about certain things taking place in the household.
    5,99 €
  10. B. J. Harrison Reads Right Ho, Jeeves (EN)

    B. J. Harrison reads P. G. Wodehouse's second full-length novel featuring the beloved characters Bertie Wooster and his valet Jeeves. Bertie returns from a trip to find his friend seeking advice from Jeeves. Insulted, Bertie attempts to provide counsel of his own to those around him, but with utterly disastrous effects.
    13,99 €
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Položiek 31 do 40 z celkového počtu 552

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