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We Love Our Home (EN)

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Audiobook We Love Our Home written by Chaaya Prabhat and Karthika G. Look high and low and you will find animals and birds making their homes around you, but do these high and low worlds ever meet? Find out in this story about the habitats they live in.

Jazyk: English
Vydavateľ: SAGA Egmont
Autor: Chaaya Prabhat, Karthika G
Rozprávač: Sagar Arya
Kategória: Deti a mládež
Typ: Audiobook
Dĺžka: 0:03 h
5,99 €


Look high and low and you will find animals and birds making their homes around you, but do these high and low worlds ever meet? Find out in this story about the habitats they live in.Audiobook We Love Our Home was written by Chaaya Prabhat and Karthika G for little kids to learn out our planet.
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