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Položiek 51 do 60 z celkového počtu 131

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  1. Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy (EN)

    René Descartes is often described as the first modern philosopher, but much of the content of his "Meditations on First Philosophy" can be found in the medieval period that had already existed for more than a thousand years. Does God exist? If so, what is his nature? Is the human soul immortal? How does it differ from the body? What role do sense experience and pure reason play in knowing? Descartes stands out from his predecessors because of the method he developed to treat these and other fundamental questions.
    10,99 €
  2. Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion and The Natural History of Religion (EN)

    Entertaining and insightful, David Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion and The Natural History of Religion are considered to be among the most important philosophical works on the topic of religion. Each investigates the formation and consequences of religious belief: taking the form of a Platonic dialogue between three speakers (a sceptic, an empiricist and a theologian/mystic), the first work scrutinises the various arguments for the existence of God; while the second, which follows the rise of polytheism and its transformation to deism, provides a history on the development of religious thought.
    18,50 €
  3. Disciplína je osud

    Audiokniha Disciplína je osud, kterou napsal Ryan Holiday. Život podle předem stanovených pravidel, v němž panuje řád a rutina – to nezní moc přitažlivě. Moudrost vyprávěná velkými muži a ženami historie však hovoří o disciplíně jako o způsobu života, v němž se cílevědomému člověku daří. Kouzlo disciplíny tkví v detailech – špičkový basketbal začíná u dobře zavázaných bot, ale také u schopnosti zamilovat si rutinu a trénink.
    12,99 €
  4. Druhá derivace touhy: Člověk duše-vnější

    Audiokniha úvah nadčasově komentuje události, které se během našich životů dotýkaly nás všech. Tomáš Sedláček je však nazírá veskrze jinak, čerstvě: politiku a ekonomii vnímá optikou filozofie, teologie a psychologie, rád hledá náš odraz ve filmech a příbězích, po původu dějů pátrá až v prastarých mýtech, zamýšlí se nad českou velikostí v malé Evropě či západní civilizací a jí prožívanou katarzí.
    12,75 €
  5. Ekonomie dobra a zla

    Ekonomie dobra a zla ukazuje, jak barvitě uměli o majetku, vlastním užitku a společenském blahu přemýšlet naši předkové. Autor bere čtenáře na dobrodružnou pouť ke kořenům naší civilizace a na příkladech starých Sumerů, Hebrejů, antických myslitelů či filozofa Descartesa ilustruje, jak inspirativní je sledovat proměny lidského tázání z hlediska ekonomie, pokud je zasazena do širšího kontextu.
    10,31 €
  6. Eyeless in Gaza (EN)

    Audiobook Eyeless in Gaza - Bringing Philosophy to Life #21, written by Albert A. Anderson. In this podcast episode, Albert A. Anderson grapples with the moral complexities of the Israel-Hamas conflict, asking fundamental questions about the justification for deadly force and the role of social justice. Delving into philosophical analyses, the episode challenges conventional notions of justice, examining historical perspectives from Leviticus to Plato and drawing parallels to modern-day conflicts.
    5,99 €
  7. Green Mother

    The book hides mysterious stories; some of them can be used for healing old internal wounds.
    9,12 €
  8. Himalaya teacher of life

    Travelling as a school of life linked by the experience of a traveller Tereza Namituche, seen from different points of view. The book was translated into an English version for great success at readers. You can buy here also Czech version Himálaj učitelka života. Enjoy it.
    9,12 €
  9. Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion (EN)

    David Hume’s Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion had not yet been published when he died in 1776. Even though the manuscript was mostly written during the 1750s, it did not appear until 1779. The subject itself was too delicate and controversial, and Hume’s dialectical examination of religious knowledge was especially provocative.
    13,99 €
  10. Intelligence: Why Prefer the Artificial to the Real Thing? (EN)

    Audiobook Intelligence: Why Prefer the Artificial to the Real Thing? - Bringing Philosophy to Life #14 written by Albert A. Anderson. Can artificial intelligence replace human beings and their intrinsic values? Join Albert A. Anderson as he explores the philosophical implications of AI advancements, including the risks associated with its rapid progress. Discover the importance of final causes, imagination, and the art of life in navigating the ever-evolving landscape of technology and human existence.
    5,99 €
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